Transfer 30k Avios into 35k AA by taking a £460 Club World business class trip!

Transatlantic joint business tails: AA, BA, AY, IB

… and stacking two offers. Or alternatively, move 30k Avios from one persons BAEC account to another or just pocket an uplift yourself.

How to do the AA ‘transfer’ (or perhaps ‘transformation’ would be a better word) is at the bottom of the article. But first…

Over on HeadForPoints today Raffles has written about the current BA promotion where you can use Avios points to part-pay for your cash flight. And that is the important bit, these remain cash (revenue) tickets so they will still earn miles. (Unlike redemptions where you may have used cash to reduce the Avios spend required, in this case you have used Avios to reduce the cash required).

You can see the offer on here. (Basically it is spend 30k to get £500 off, select destinations).

I will continue using Raffles routing example: CPH-LHR-JFK return in CE+CW.
He gets this down to paying £459 cash + 30k Avios.

This is already a cracking deal and if credited BAEC you would earn 360 Tier Points plus earn back:

  • 12,156 Avios if you are Blue
  • 14,184 Avios if you are Bronze
  • 16,208 Avios if you are Silver
  • 20,460 Avios if you are Gold.

The second offer:

My first thought was would it stack with another BA offer, this one gives you a 25k Avios bonus per CW TATL return flown. However you need to have your BAEC account in continental Europe to qualify – details on here. (There is also a version for people with a USA addressed BAEC account here.)

Now IF your account is eligible for the BA offer then (if they both stack successfully) add 25k to the Avios earnings above.

If you don’t qualify for this one, keep reading…

Two people:

It doesn’t seem to need to be the same person who makes the booking as takes the flight.

So someone with 30k BAEC could book it for the benefit of someone else who takes the flight and earns the Avios and TP. This could be a good method to effectively move Avios between BAEC accounts – perhaps from a friend or family member who has a pot you might have built using their name.

And it would only need to be the person who takes the flight who needs to be eligible for the  25k offer. And if they are not, they would only earn the (already generous) starting amounts listed above so it could still be of interest.

But, why limit ourselves to BAEC, these are revenue flights so we could credit them elsewhere.

Iberia have a version of the 25k offer, but it is targeted it seems. (If you received it, keep in mind while Avios can be moved back from Iberia Plus to BAEC, status points can not. So if you want tier points in BAEC, you need to credit to BAEC).

But American Airlines have a version of the 25k offer and it is open to all – register here:

If you credited the flight to an AA account, the base ticket would earn 8122 * 1.25 (cabin bonus) = 10,152 ish AA miles. Add to that the 25k bonus AA miles. Therefore the proposition would be:


£459 cash
and 30k Avios from a BAEC account (and booking on


Business class return trip to USA
and 35k+ AA miles (by crediting flights to an AA account that you’ve registered for their version of the second offer).

This is the most interesting way of moving miles between FF schemes that I’ve seen for a while!



Transfer 30k Avios into 35k AA by taking a £460 Club World business class trip! — 1 Comment

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